Exploring the Possibility of Emotional Artificial Intelligence

https://soundcloud.com/morainevalleybc/carvelli-edited This short podcast covers a topic of what I term as "Emotional A.I." and explores the possibility of A.I., specifically Androids, being able to develop human emotions in the near future. The topic for this podcast is based off of the game Detroit: Become Human, centering on the theme of Androids developing emotions an...
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AI vs Democracy

In the podcast I talk about the skills of Ai in comparison to humans, what these advanced skills mean for human population, and how this technology can be used by governments to discard democratic ideals and examples of this happening. I chose this topic because as our government is changing and getting ever more self-reward driven, these technology's can become an instrument ...
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The Complexity of Consciousness

There are situations where patients awake from a Vegetative Sate or Coma after a few moths or sometimes, years. Some patients can be helped with their medical state, yet since the concept of consciousness is complex, this topic shows the difficulty that doctors may be faced with. I will explain the necessary terms typically used when talking about the consciousness, then the co...
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Women’s Colleges Podcast

For our informative speech, I recorded a podcast where my topic was women's colleges. I broke it down into three sub topics. First was the history of all women colleges, and how they began. The second was how women's colleges deal with the complexities of modern day gender. The last topic was about how female stem students fair better in all female colleges vs co-ed colleges. ...
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